Report on Abortion's Mental Health Impact Flawed say 'Silent No More' Leaders

STATEN ISLAND, Ny., Aug. 14,2008 /Christian Newswire/ -- Leaders of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign (SNMAC), the world's largest network of women and men harmed by abortion, today leveled stinging criticism at a new American Psychological Association report claiming abortion is "not a threat to women's mental health."



"The American Psychological Association's so-called study is nothing more than a conclusion supported by opinions screened to match that predetermined outcome," said Georgette Forney, co-founder of SNMAC. "The APA ignored or downplayed large, peer- reviewed studies showing a clear link between abortion and subsequent problems such as depression. Professionalism and intellectual honesty are not concepts I would associate with this report."



"It's a classic case of the abortion lobby's political and financial interests trumping the truth," added Janet Morana, also a co-founder of SNMAC. "Over 600 post- abortive women asked to meet with the APA about their experiences with abortion and depression. The APA brushed them off, just like it dismissed any scientific study that didn't agree with its agenda."



Since the launching of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign in 2003, 2,326 women and men have shared their testimonies publicly at over 200 gatherings in 44 states and six countries where more than 15,000 spectators have heard the truth about abortion's negative aftereffects. More than 4,100 people are registered to be Silent No More. Raising awareness about the hurtful aftermath of abortion and the help that is available to cope with the pain are two of the Campaigns goals.





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