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Lorenzo Langstroth Beekeeper

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 8 months ago

 The Beekeeping Clergyman



Lorenzo Langstroth’s childhood curiosity of observing insects stayed with him as an adult. The Yale graduate, minister, and teacher took up beekeeping as a distraction from his bouts of depression. The beekeeping industry was revolutionized by Langstroth’s moveable frame beehive. Honeycombs could now be removed without enraging the bees. This new method also permitted the beekeeper to observe the health of his bees. Langstroth discovered that hives could be stacked one on top of the other, which turned beekeeping and honey production into a full-scale industry. His book on bee management, published in 1853, is still in use today. “The Father of American Beekeeping” is best remembered for improvements that resulted from keen observation skills of God’s intricate and fascinating creation.


American Vision P.O. Box 220, Powder Springs, GA 30127, 800-628-9460, www.americanvision.org . History Unwrapped by Gary DeMar.


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